The project CABES – Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts aims to develop and strengthen the capacity of professionals in biodiversity-related fields in West, Central, and East Africa.
Our CABES Capacity Development Programme – CCDP for professionals enables participants to better engage with, and benefit from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The CCDP targets professionals, such as focal points, policy makers, advisors, entrepreneurs, and organizations working with indigenous and local knowledge holders.
The programme is delivered via our open access CABES e-learning portal providing interactive online courses and self-learning resources for professionals in biodiversity related fields. Based on a needs assessment conducted in the beginning of the programme and continuous evaluation, it is ensured that contents of the CCDP are relevant and interesting to different target groups.

Dr. Jennifer Hauck
Senior Programme Officer

Dr. Jenny Schmidt
E-learning Manager